Neonatal care
Explore how we can help you and your family with any medical negligence legal issues.
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Medical negligence during the neonatal period
- The neonatal period refers to a newborn baby for the first 28 days after its birth and is an extremely important stage of life.
- If your child has suffered an injury as a result of medical care and treatment after birth and you think this may have been caused by the negligence of your healthcare provider, you may be able to claim for compensation.
- If you are eligible, we will recover the best settlement for your child. In addition, we will ensure your child’s healthcare and welfare is a priority.
What is neonatal injury?
Neonatal death refers to the injury or death of a newborn baby within the first 28 days of life. This can be due to a variety of factors, including premature birth, birth defects, infections, and complications during delivery.
What is neonatal negligence?
Neonatal negligence refers to the failure of healthcare providers to provide adequate care to a newborn baby, resulting in an injury or death of the baby. This can include errors in diagnosis, treatment, or monitoring of the baby’s health, and can be due to a variety of factors such as lack of training, understaffing, or negligence.
What is a neonatal compensation claim?
A neonatal compensation claim is a legal action taken by parents or guardians of a baby who has been injured or died due to medical negligence or malpractice. The claim seeks compensation for the emotional and financial losses suffered by the family.
What are the different types of neonatal injury?
A neonatal condition can range from breathing difficulties to jaundice and can be extremely serious. In order to ensure your child receives the necessary treatment to minimise any resulting damage that could affect the rest of their life, birth injuries need to be detected during the neonatal period.
There are five main types of birth injury that can occur to a child during the birthing process and neonatal period. These include:
- Cerebral Palsy, a condition affecting the part of the brain that controls movement.
- Erb’s Palsy, weakness or paralysation of a newborn baby’s arm.
- Hypoglycaemia, low blood sugar levels at birth which can result in brain damage.
- Hip Dysplasia, where the leg becomes dislocated from the pelvis.
- Hyperbilirubinanarmia and Kernictrus, as a result of jaundice which has been untreated or inadequately treated which can lead to cerebral palsy.
Our team of medical negligence solicitors
Do you have a neonatal medical negligence claim?
We recognise the very real difficulties that exist in caring for an injured child. Not least difficulties accessing ongoing medical treatment, care and support, education, therapy, assistance and equipment. In cases where liability is resolved, we will always seek interim payments at an early stage to ensure access to such treatment, support and assistance.
Our education specialists and community care team are also here to advise and provide support in securing all requisite NHS and Local Authority care and support during the continuance of your claim.
We are also able to offer our clients in an appropriate case a specialist ‘immediate needs assessment’ service. Our aim is to help ensure your child’s healthcare and welfare is attended to by obtaining interim payments of compensation during the continuance of any claim wherever possible to assist you with you and your child’s:
- Rehabilitation
- Education needs
- Transport
- Housing
- Aids and equipment
- Care support
- Therapeutic services
- Case management