Charities and social enterprises solicitors

Explore how we can help your charity with any legal requirements.

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Anyone who has anything to do with running a charity quickly finds they have a separate and independent body of law with which they must comply and which affects nearly every transaction that they undertake.

The sector is overwhelmed by demands: regulation, changing legislation, fulfilling their charitable objectives, expectations of trustees, their employees, supporters and service users and all whilst conducting their charitable work under the watchful eye of the media and the general public.

What is charity law?

Charity law refers to the legal framework that governs the establishment, operation, and regulation of charitable organisations. It covers issues such as tax exemptions, fundraising regulations, governance, and accountability. The purpose of charity law is to ensure that charities operate in a transparent and accountable manner, and that they fulfil their charitable purposes.

Gordon Reid

Gordon Reid

Partner | Charities, Independent schools

01483 464224

How Moore Barlow can help

Lawyers in our firm act as trustees and governors. This hands on experience of the sector is at the heart of the practical advice on offer. We have a long established reputation within the charity and social enterprise sector, with expertise in all aspects of charity law and in offering specialist advice. We act for a wide variety of charitable trusts, associations and companies, ranging from local to international.

The firm’s experience of dealing with applications and negotiations with the Charity Commission is reflected in their appointment to the panel of Interim Managers.

What legal services do we offer for charities?

We work with charities throughout their lifetime. Our areas of expertise include:

  • Setting up and running charities
    • Structuring your charity
    • Managing your charitable work
    • Intellectual property and branding
    • Growing your charity
    • Fundraising & income generation
  • Advice to charity trustees & governance
  • Charity properties
  • Closing or merging a charity
  • Litigation & dispute resolution for charities
  • Interim managers
  • Faith based organisations

Contact us

Get in touch with the team at one of our offices in LondonRichmondSouthamptonGuildfordLymington and Woking for expert advice.

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