Charities we support
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We support a number of charities to help raise awareness of the great work these organisation do to provide information and services to those in need.
We work closely with charities whose aims include supporting people in their recovery with the types of injuries often encountered in personal injury, medical negligence and major trauma cases.
Aspire is a national charity that provides practical help to people who have been paralysed by Spinal Cord Injury. Their services include:
- Aspire grants: helping people buy the specialist equipment they need;
- Aspire housing: providing fully accessible properties for use on a short-term basis;
- Aspire independent living advisors: providing advice and guidance to patients in the spinal cord injury centres;
- Aspire’s assistive technology facilities: ensuring independent access to a computer; and
- A free welfare benefits advice service.
Tel: 020 8954 5759
The Child Brain Injury Trust is a charity that supports children, young people, their families and professionals and helps them come to terms with what has happened and how to deal with the uncertainty that the future may hold.
Their services include regional child and family support co-ordinators, providing children, young people and families with the support that they need in order to live their lives to the full, within their local community; a helpline providing support for anyone affected by childhood acquired brain injury; legal support services, including assistance in pursuing a claim for welfare benefits; and information on grants and financial assistance.
Helpline: 0303 303 2248
Tel: 01869 341075
Encephalitis, which is characterized by inflammation of the brain, accounts for approximately 6,000 cases in the UK annually and potentially affects hundreds of thousands of individuals worldwide. Encephalitis International, a unique charity, is dedicated to providing support to both adults and children impacted by encephalitis.
Sarah Stanton, Partner and Head of Medical Negligence at Moore Barlow, has been a longstanding supporter of the Society’s initiatives.
Tel: +44(0)1653 692583
For more information on Encephalitis, read our guide:
We work in close partnership with Enham Trust, a leading and approved Independent Advisory Group. Enham Trust, a registered charity, is a pan-disability organisation that works with close to 7,500 individuals each year throughout the South, giving people independence, choice and control in the cornerstone areas of their lives; housing, care, work and skills development.
The Trust provides a range of services including care and support, advice and guidance on budgeting and recruiting personal care assistants, housing support and provision, advice on the changes to disability payments and help with budgeting, numerous skills, training and employment programmes.
Tel: 01264 345800
Headway promotes understanding of all aspects of brain injury and provides information, support and services to survivors, their families and carers. In addition, Headway campaigns to reduce the incidence of brain injury.
Their services include helping brain injury survivors come to terms with their new circumstances, re-integrate into family and community life, and maximise their opportunities and choices; practical and emotional support for families and carers; local support services through their UK network; and providing practical rehabilitation.
Helpline: 0808 800 2244
Through various projects The Lighthouse is able to support those within the Woking community who find themselves on the margins. Their ethos; ‘encourage, empower and equip people…. To see lives transformed through kindness, belief and hope’.
In 2021, 5033 adults and children in Woking were provided with a 3-day emergency food supply. Incredible! The food bank relies heavily on donations and volunteers to provide these services to those most in need across the area.
The Lighthouse
8-10 High Street, Woking GU21 6BG
The Limbless Association provides information and support to the limb-loss community. They aim to support people of all ages and backgrounds through a variety of existing programmes and services.
They offer support to individuals of any age, whether they are about to have an amputation or are already living with congenital or acquired limb-loss and they offer assistance and information to carers, family members and friends if they require it.
They provide a national association of friends and contemporaries through the Limbless Association membership system and provide a single, unified voice for the UK limb-loss community, creating a national union and alliance for UK prosthetic patients.
Tel: 01245 216670
Help line: 0800 644 0185
Rainbow Trust supports over 25% of the 6,000 families in England who have a child aged 0-18 years of age with a life threatening or terminal illness and need the bespoke support they offer. They support the whole family 24/7, 365 days a year, regardless of diagnosis.
They support the whole family including parents, carers and grandparents. Any family can receive support from the moment of their child or young person’s diagnosis.
Their support is hugely varied and depends on the needs of the family. Support may include all or some of the following: family support workers, sibling support, home support and hospital support.
Tel: 01372 363438
RoadPeace is the national charity for road crash victims and has been helping families cope with the aftermath of road death and injury since 1992.
Set up in 1992 by a mother whose son was killed by a red light offender, RoadPeace is a membership organisation whose work is informed by the needs and experiences of road crash victims. Membership is open to all, but people affected by road death and injury are particularly encouraged to join and support its calls for justice and safer streets.
For more information about RoadPeace visit or email
Helpline: 0845 4500 355
SEABIF is the regional group of the national brain injury charity UKABIF (UK Acquired Brain Injury Forum). It works with medical professionals and support staff across the South to raise and improve services for brain injury patients and actively campaigns for change.
We are very proud Matthew Claxson, partner at Moore Barlow is the chair of the organisation and helped established SEABIF in 2010.
The Mary Seacole Trust was established to ensure the legacy of Mary Seacole continues to be embraced throughout educational establishments and communities across the UK.
Moore Barlow Medical Relations partner, Trevor Sterling, is chair of The Mary Seacole Trust following the unveiling of the statue to honour the Jamaican-born nurse who cared for wounded British soldiers during the Crimean War.
Moore Barlow Cauda Equina Solicitors have been appointed to the legal advice panel established by the Cauda Equina Champions Charity to help support their important work for people who have cauda equina syndrome.