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Navigating employment after a serious injury: a comprehensive guide to your legal rights

Matthew Tuff


Where someone sustains a severe injury, they will usually face a long period off work. Even when they are fit…

Case study

Law student suffers traumatic brain injury in a motorcycle collision

Matthew Tuff


We have recently acted for a man who suffered a severe traumatic brain injury from a motorcycle collision.  The case…


Traumatic strokes and road accidents

Matthew Tuff


My name is Matt Tuff. I am a Senior Associate solicitor in the Major Trauma Department at Moore Barlow. Today…


Mental capacity following a traumatic brain injury

Matthew Tuff


My name is Matt Tuff and I am a Senior Associate solicitor in the Major Trauma Department at Moore Barlow.…

Case study

Seven figure sum recovered for passenger in vehicle collision

Matthew Tuff


We have recently recovered a seven figure sum for a young claimant who injured as a passenger in a car…

Case study

Seven figure settlement recovered for a tourist

Matthew Tuff


We have recently closed a case where a high seven figure settlement for a tourist who was visiting the UK…

Case study

Fatal accident involving a bicycle

Matthew Tuff


An elderly man in his 80s was in a fatal accident involving a bicycle. He suffered severe brain injury, when…

Case study

Compensation for pedestrian hit by an out of control police vehicle

Matthew Tuff


Moore Barlow’s serious injury team recently recovered a six figure sum for a claimant who suffered severe injuries when he…


Pathological fatigue brought on by traumatic brain injury

Matthew Tuff


This blog is part of a brain injury series and looks at pathological fatigue brought on by traumatic brain injury.…


Post traumatic epilepsy caused by brain injury

Matthew Tuff


This blog is part of a brain injury series and discusses epilepsy caused by brain injury. This is often known…


Is there a link between traumatic brain injury and dementia

Matthew Tuff


This blog is part of a brain injury series and focusses on the question of whether there might be a…


Cognitive effects after a brain injury

Matthew Tuff


This article and podcast looks at the cognitive effects after a brain injury and is part of a brain injury series.…

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