Spinal injury claim results in seven figure settlement

The 33 year old young man sustained damage to his spinal cord when he fell from a height of approximately 22 feet at an adventure centre. He had fractured his spine at C5 and had a spinal cord injury. On admission to hospital he had loss of movement and sensation to the entire right side of his body and he had reduced function to his right arm and fingers and experienced spasms in his right leg.

In addition, he also had problems with bone weakness to his left side. He was assessed by the neurological team at the trauma hospital and was to be transferred to Stanmore when a bed became available. Within a week of the accident Caroline Flashman had met the client at the hospital and it took her approximately 3 further weeks to secure private funding and a private spinal bed at the Royal Buckinghamshire Hospital where he was transferred to.

He then underwent a 4 month intensive rehabilitation course with occupational therapists and physiotherapists and specialist equipment. A large interim payment was agreed for his treatment and programme and for ongoing private therapy treatments once he was discharged. At discharge from hospital the client actually walked out of the hospital much to the surprise of his treating neurological surgeon at the first hospital.

The client is now able to independently mobilise and requires very little assistance with self-care. He is now supported by his family for the future. Liability was admitted at an early stage and the Defendants pushed for an early settlement meeting at which settlement was achieved. The client has received independent financial advice and with a plan for investment this should cover future requirements for care, loss of earning and housing and equipment.

“Ms Caroline Flashman engaged with us promptly, and after a consultation we agreed to proceed with her and the team in our legal matter. Ms Flashman was clear in her instructions from the start of the process and was knowledgeable, concise and transparent and it made us feel at ease/safe and well represented.”

Ms Flashman swiftly initiated the transfer to the R/B Spinal Cord Rehabilitation Centre, after exploring the option of the recommended Spinal-Unit/Stanmore, and negotiated the terms of the sizeable renumeration for the stay. During the stay at the R/B, Ms Flashman regularly communicated and met us to find out how matters were progressing as she started the complex challenge of asserting rights to compensation and support from the Defendants.

Ms Flashman and her team were all very supportive and we had little need to do anything else other than focus on recovery and care. Essentially, they ‘had our backs well protected’. “I felt I could trust Ms Flashman’s words and judgements and she acted as a sounding board for my concerns and helped me to navigate through a number of ‘sticky patches’. We often had frank and even uncomfortable talks which was great as it kept matters in an honest and realistic realm, this I especially appreciated”

“It has been nearly 19 months since the accident and we have come a long but also a very successful way. We have been very well advised and accommodated by Ms Flashman and her excellent counsel and team. We will happily recommend her and the team to prospective clients.”

If you have any questions about the above or require any further information, please contact the one of the team on 01483 543210.
