Naked Prosthetics help amputee to regain independence

Matthew Claxson, a Partner in the serious injury team at Moore Blatch LLP was instructed on behalf of his client Mike Hett in a personal injury claim arising out of an accident at work when Mike suffered a partial amputation to two of his fingers on his left hand.

The loss of two fingers on the hand impairs the function of the hand whereby there is a loss of grip making it difficult to undertake every day chores around the house, child care, driving and employment. It also has a psychological impact in terms of the appearance.

Through the personal injury claim Mike attended Dorset Orthopaedic Co Ltd for an expert assessment of his prosthetic requirement who recommended Mike be assessed by a treating Prosthetist for a new prosthetic provided by an American based company called Naked Prosthetics. 

Mike then attended for treatment at PACE Rehabilitation in Amersham where he was assessed by leading Prosthetist James Gillespie who was able to prescribe the Naked Prosthetic PIP Driver for the left ring finger and Naked Prosthetic MCP Driver for left middle finger.

Mike was able to through the personal injury claim to secure from the Defendant Insurer’s a general interim payment to enable him to purchase the recommended prosthetics seen in these photographs.

Mike after having received the prosthetics said “When using the functional prosthesis I didn’t feel anxious or self conscious about being in public. They have made such a difference to my life, giving back my confidence and independence“.

Matthew said “this is a really good outcome for Mike who through the personal injury claim has been able to restore good function to his hand and put his life back on track”.

If you have suffered a life altering injury then please contact the Serious Injury Team at Moore Blatch LLP on Freephone 0800 157 7611 or by email:
