Webinar: Everyone’s Invited: peer-on-peer abuse

The Everyone’s Invited movement is but the latest spotlight to fall on safeguarding in schools.

The list of allegations seems to grow almost by the day, while safeguarding guidance continues to expand but still struggles to keep up with the range of risks now faced by pupils.

In this timely webinar, we will consider the relevant guidance within the broad context of a healthy safeguarding culture, the government’s response to Everyone’s Invited, what steps schools should be taking now to ensure that they are equipped to respond to any allegations of past abuse and how they can ensure that any concerns are properly considered in the future.

This webinar will be presented by Ben Collingwood, Partner in Moore Barlow’s Independent Schools Team. Ben has particular expertise in safeguarding and advising schools on their response to concerns and allegations. Ben will be joined by guest panellist, Peter Goodyer, Headmaster and CEO of Bede’s School, and fellow Moore Barlow Partners Joanna Lada-Walicki and Gordon Reid for a panel discussion with Q&A.

This webinar is intended to benefit all members of school leadership including heads, bursars, governors and anyone involved in pastoral care.


If you missed our webinar, watch the recording here