Moore Blatch acted for a lady via her Receiver in connection with a claim arising from a very significant head injury following a road traffic accident. She was hit by her husband reversing his vehicle, he did not see she had walked behind it.
She was knocked to the ground and sustained a very severe brain injury. Our client required 24 hour nursing care, nutrition by percutaneous gastrostomy and was confined to a wheelchair requiring 2 nurses for transfer. Liability was eventually admitted in full by the Defendant.
The Defendant conceded that the claim was suitable for settlement using a periodical payments order, that is to say Moore Blatch secured a substantial lump sum with the balance of the settlement paid in annual installments to meet the ongoing care costs. This provided peace of mind and security for the family as they knew there would always be money available to pay the care home fees. As our client was a Patient and could not manage her own affairs, the settlement required Court of Protection and High Court Judge approval.