Failure to reduce blood pressure before Cataract surgery

Mrs F was rendered blind as a result of negligent cataract surgery.

While Mrs F was on the operating table she suffered an expulsive haemorrhage which led to the loss of sight in her right eye.

Prior to the operation, when Mrs F had attended the Hospital’s outpatient department for a consultation, she had not been properly advised about the risks and benefits of the procedure. In addition it appeared that her high blood pressure had not been properly noted and investigated and if it had been it is likely that the surgery would have been postponed until her blood pressure was better controlled.

An Independent medical expert was instructed to review the medical records and to advise on the standard of care provided. He advised that although this was a rare complication of cataract surgery occurring in only 1 in 1000 cases, the risk could however have been reduced by treating Mrs F to reduce her blood pressure prior to surgery. In the expert’s opinion, both the pre operative assessment and immediate pre operative assessment fell below the standard of a reasonable and responsible body of ophthalmologists.

To ensure that Mrs F’s needs were fully considered, we sought advice from experts to help assess her needs and the value of her claim by securing expert evidence from a Consultant Ophthalmologist, Consultant Neuropsychiatrist, and Care and Occupational Therapist.

The Defendant Trust denied any wrong doing. The case was finally concluded by way of negotaited settlement for a substantial six figure sum.

Paula Barnes had conduct of Mrs F’s case. Paula one of the expert clinical negligence solicitors based in our Southampton office and in relation to the case she said: “this case was an extremely sad case where a previously fit and well lady had been rendered blind and as a result had lost all of her independence. She could no longer care for herself or her disabled husband. The settlement achieved, meant financial security for Mrs F, giving her the ability to employ carers and to make adaptations to her home to make it possible for her to function on a daily basis and at least enjoy some quality of life.”