Damages for negligent beauty treatment

We have recently settled a claim on behalf of a client who sustained injury and loss arising from negligent treatment carried out by a beautician. The treatment involved the application of semi-permanent make-up, in the form of a tattoo, to the Claimant’s eyebrows. It was alleged that the treatment was performed in a careless manner resulting in an asymmetrical and excessively dark appearance. As a result the Claimant had to embark on a long process of remedial treatment.

The Defendant disputed liability throughout the case on the grounds our client had signed a consent form and understood that the results were unpredictable. It was denied that the treatment had been performed carelessly. We produced evidence from a consultant dermatologist that established that the appearance was consistent with our client’s account and that the procedure appeared to have been carried out without taking appropriate care and attention to detail, leaving the eyebrows appearing asymmetrical.

It was only after the commencement of legal proceedings that the Defendant made an offer to settle the claim in the sum of £8,250 to reflect the discomfort and inconvenience, as well as the embarrassment caused by the appearance. Our client was pleased to accept this sum four weeks before the case was due to proceed to trial.
