Protecting those most at risk of domestic violence during Covid-19

Your personal safety is a priority.

The consequences of Covid-19 are affecting us all, but for those who are suffering from or are at risk of domestic violence, the ramifications of this virus go much further. Some people are now finding themselves shut in their homes with a violent partner, parent or even a child.  

Isolation can be difficult enough for families across the UK, all now required to live under the same roof for a prolonged period of time. There is little outlet for those tensions and resentments that so often build up. However, when one adds a violent person into the mix, the stress and tension of living in lockdown under the same roof can be intolerable.

For those at risk of domestic violence, the prospect of being in a lock down situation where you are stuck in the same home as a violent partner is distressing and difficult with both your physical and mental well being being open to abuse. This is further compounded by the fact that, for some, the option of being able to leave to a place of safety or move to a refuge is no longer available. The consequences of which can potentially be extreme. 

However, if you are suffering any kind of domestic abuse there is help available. The first port of call is usually that of the police, who admittedly have limited resources during this unprecedented time, but are still undertaking their normal policing tasks and duties.

Thereafter, we as lawyers can also help. The courts are still open for remote hearings of urgent cases cases and little could be considered more urgent than protection from abuse. Even if not all the courts are allowing face to face hearings, priority is being given to urgent matters by courts undertaking hearings by telephone and Skype.

Many people are worried about taking a legal route. However, in certain circumstances, an approach can be made to the court without your abuser being informed to enable you to secure an order to bring about that person’s removal from the home. This would be by order of the court and not by choice.

Even during these unprecedented times, the courts are still facilitating the provision of justice in cases concerning domestic abuse. Therefore no one should be concerned about coming forward to receive support.   

If you have any concerns, or would like confidential advice, please call Jan Galloway on 020 8332 8673 or by email