New NHS Visa

The Conservatives are planning to introduce a “NHS visa” as part of their proposals for an Australian style points based immigration system should they win the general election.

The aim is to ensure that the NHS is able to source overseas doctors and nurses once EU free movement comes to an end post-Brexit.

The Home Secretary, Priti Patel, has said that the new visa route is “part of our plan for an Australian-style, points-based immigration system that allows us to control numbers while remaining open to vital professions like nurses”.

Under the proposed scheme, a Conservative government would halve the cost of a visa for health professionals from £928 to £464.

Applicants coming to work for the health service would receive preferential treatment and be awarded extra points in the new point-based system.

There would also be no cap on numbers entering through the NHS route. Health Secretary Matt Hancock said he wanted to attract ‘the very best talent in the world.’ He added: ‘From its inception, the NHS has recruited globally. ‘This new visa will make it easier for us to hire the finest doctors and nurses from other nations to come and work in the NHS – so that patients can receive the best possible care.’

If you would like information about this proposed visa, please contact Leena Chouhan on 0203 818 5433 or email: